Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jack Bailey

Jack is 74, has been eligible for parole for years, below is his application for assistance by Wisconsin Innocence project of the Law School of UW (Remmington Center). He is still trying to prove his innocence. We however, are pushing for parole for the over 3000 prisoners so stuck in the system 


1 comment:

  1. Jack has been in prison for over 40 years and has never admitted his guilt. He cherry picks the evidence to try to convince others he is innocent, but he is not. Statistics say that he is highly unlikely to offend again, but it would certainly help if he would show contrition for having snatched from the street, raped, and killed a seven year old girl (my sister) on her way to school. If he is granted parole due to his age or health, that is one thing, but he should not be granted parole based on his very false claims of innocence. If anyone wants more information about this case, please do not hesitate to contact me about the facts. Jack and I spoke at length two summers ago in person (for two hours), and have corresponded. He and I agree on one thing: had he admitted and shown sorrow for what he did, he would probably be out by now. I don't know why he continues to maintain his innocence, but that is up to him.

    Ron Ahnen
    Concord, California
