Jamaris Hooker
WSPF; PO Box 9900; Boscobel, WI 53805
Jamaris is 29 and has just been placed on administrative
confinement-which is an indefinite stay in solitary. He has no family support.
. I hope you are able to send him a note. He is now 24/7

Here is an essay he submitted for our Bridge of Voices Newsletter ( this will be going into the April edition) , followed by his introduction to the world.

Here is an essay he submitted for our Bridge of Voices Newsletter ( this will be going into the April edition) , followed by his introduction to the world.
Time Constraints
Jamaris Hooker 331313
WSPF ; PO Box9900
Boscobel, Wi 53805
When you think of the four
letter word time what logical conclusion do you reach? Time happens to be
indefinate as we know it. The human awareness/consciousness gives off the
perception that time is indestructible, even though the mere human is hunted by
mortality. You hear people us the terms as ”it was as if time stopped”. We hear
of time warps. Time Dimensions. Time Machinmes. Time lapses and teleportation
devices where material objects can be moved from one place to another in a
small window of time. Think of radio and
sound waves, communicating with someone via a telephone thousands of miles
away. You can converse with someone in China
from the USA and the effects of this can be heard instantaneous virtually, isn’t that amazing? Radio
waves travel quickly through wooden walls, steel , brick, water, almost
everything on planet earth, at an astonishing velocity.
The physical human body
and other forms of physical substances on the contrary is confronted with a
different obstacle. Cell regeneration, deterioration and restoration is a much
more formidable task to accomplish! Once the physical components of the human
body has been dyced into microscopic particles it is seemingly impossible for
them to be massed or conglomerate back in symmetrical form. Certain species on
planet earth have the ability to recreate limbs after they lost them . Their
body grows the lost skin tissues and bone back in perfect hormony . Humans have
the ability to heal from lacerations, deep puncture wounds etc. Skin regrows,
blood is replaced but when we kill of certain cells they are gone forever.
Light travels 6 trillion
miles in the span of one year at a whopping rate of 186,000 miles per second.
Has it ever occurred to you that the natural laws of physics has the human
being confined to only a small corner of the vast universe but outside the laws
of physics exist a more advanced set of laws which the mortal human cannot attain
by any means. Jesus was able to pass through walls after he was converted to the
spirit. He was able to manifest himself into human form and back into spiritual
body at will . From the religious perspective the Bible teaches is that you
will not need blood to circulate through your body to live or absorb oxygen to
remain in existance.
Time exists in three
stages- the past , present and the future. If radio waves can travel outside
our solar system then why can’t we? This shows how primitive man really is in
comparison to the universe, with all the other planets that exist outside our
solar system and the physical human not being able to travel to those regions
should speak volumes to you and unlock the mysteries of the universe that has
been hidden in plain sight. The Big Bang Theory, i.e., when you think of an
explosion things tend to project outward in randomness but the big bang implies
that this matter constructively formed in order
which signals a creatorr outside the whole existance and laws of the universe
as we know it to be.
Much like the mother and
her offspring the infant is no longer dependant in respects to the gestation
period of survival. The child breathes ,expells body fluids and fecal matter
from it’s anal orifice on its own. The universe is held in order by the laws of
physics. If the systematic design was not in place then the structure of the
entire universe would collapse ,for true science finds GOD waiting behind every door, says Pope Pius
XII. Think if you will about the knowledge we have acquired, about time space
travel, hidden dimensions and seize the moment to understand it.
this is light, but interest8ing to read if you take the time- we will be working to darken and/or transcribe it.
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