Lorenzo Balli is a very courageous man, fighting conditions in segregation . He is honest and clearsighted, and often self destructive, partly because conditons in segregation are intolerable. He needs friends badly. As with all prisoners listed on our web , we do provide middle man service if you do not want to give any prisoner your address. - you can use our address as your return address. For information about this program, email swansol@mwt.net.
Lorenzo Balli #238265
GBCI, PO Box 19033
Green Bay, WI 54307
Searching for Friendship
My name is Lorenzo Solvano Balli.
Everyone has a story and I’d like to be able to hear yours , and maybe be given a chance to share mine.. Although we may be worlds apart, there are qualities of understanding, patience, and the willingness to extend themselves- these qualities are what brings people together from all walks of life and creates that social bond called friendship. I hope I can be given that chance to be a friend to you and we can get to know each other.
Another time he wrote:
Sometimes in our journey through life we happen to discover what is known as an alternate reality. Each of us lives in a microcosm, seeing outside the box is rare. The majority of people see and hear of others who have similar life styles to their own, only worlds apart, Then there are news reports exposing these alternate worlds, only these reports are mere fragments, distinct apparitions that fade away one the channel is changed- the documentation is never really seen, felt, heard, or smelled, without such one could never empathize nor comprehend the images depicted. Fortunately or unfortunately enough, you have either stumbled unconsciously, or boldly entered a domain that very few people care to thin k about, or are simply too lost in their own microcosm to even consider alternate realities. Therefore I confide in you, brave and willing enough to enter this cataclysmic maze. I speak to you as the closest friend in order to obtain a piece of solace in a world of hurt and pain. I understand the obstacles before me, the stereotypes, and ill preconceptions. I can only hope to overcome all odds by extending myself offering you to encounter someone real in a world of phantoms, a piece of my insanity in exchange for a grain of hope. I offer depth, describing my world, because with understanding I may reach one person who could feel the absolute wrongness of this system that is stifling the life out of their fellow man then maybe, just maybe, change is possible. I have decided to document what life means to me, not that I believe it is beautiful or even that the world wants to know, or even cares what goes on in the American justice system, because I honestly believe no one does care. No, I write because the act of writing is my catharsis. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe someone out there does care and will reach out to me and again, maybe not… From the edge of silence and insanity my eyes close.
Two other sights featuring Lorenzo:
http://daytodayadvocacy.blogspot.com/2010/03/lawsuit-complaint.html: conditions of confinetment is segregation are grapically described. Lorenzo is trying to make life more humane for all confined there.
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